Thursday, May 20, 2010

Israel's Tribes Today

Reuben (1) - “behold a son” - Leah - Gen 29:32 - sardius

France, Quebec Canada

Simeon (2) - “hearing, answer” - Leah - Gen 29:33 - topaz

Scattered warriors


(3) - “junction, union” - Leah - Gen 29:34 - carbuncle

Scattered pastors, ministers and entertainers


(4) - “praised” - Leah - Gen 29:35 - emerald


Dan (5) - “judge, lord” - Bilhah - Gen 30:6 - sapphire


Naphtali (6) - “wrestling” - Bilhah - Gen 30:8 - diamond


Gad (7) - “overcoming, victory, troop” - Zilpah - Gen 30:11 - ligure


Asher (8) - “prosperity, happiness” - Zilpah - Gen 30:13 - agate

South Africa

Issachar (9)- “reward” - Leah - Gen 30:18 - amethyst

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

Zebulun (10) - “dwelling” - Leah - Gen 30:20 - beryl


Joseph (11) - “he shall add” - Rachel - Gen 30:24 - onyx

Divided into Ephraim and Manasseh in Gen 48


Ephraim - “double fruit” - Asenath - Gen 41:52

Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand


Manasseh - “causing to forget” - Asenath - Gen 41:51

United States of America


Benjamin (12) - “son of the right hand” - Rachel - Gen 35:18 - jasper





Pete said...

Just curious Bob, what church do you attend. See you liked Steven Collins' books too. Disagree on him about identity of Germany, but we'll find out all this iffy stuff at the 2nd coming (including how many camels can fit through the eye of a needle:). I attend a very independent Sabbath/Holy Day observing house-church at present, but am very impressed with the genuine spiritual revival going on within the UCG, and may just end up there, if they can tolerate some of my weird secondary beliefs I've picked up "along the way" since '95. Shalom, Pete Benson

Bob the Berean said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Pete. Glad to hear you're a Sabbath and Holy Day keeper. I noticed you previously attended WWCG. Also, very glad to see you got out with the sabbaths intact. I too have learned a few things from the Messianic Jews as well as SDAs along the way. Since you are in a house-church setting you might consider "Church At Home" done by a former WWCG pastor. Email me for the hyperlink if you're interested. Interesting that you mention UCG as that's where I attend but truth is truth so I listen to a few of the splinter groups as well.

Anyway, keep in touch! And glad you dropped by. ~ Bob

Kerux said...

Israel is not Judah.
Collins makes this mistake in his books, all of which I have (signed, I may add) and have read, at least twice.
The jews are not Israelites. Jews descend from Esau, not Jacob.
Rev. 2:9, 3:9, and I Thess. 2:even as they have of the Jews:

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Collins has to have the jews as Israelites, as he is married to a jewess. Kerux

Anonymous said...

Why does this matter anyway? Both biblical Israelites broke their covenant as did Judah intermarrying with canaanites. Jesus fulfilled the Passover Lamb and they all rejected the chief cornerstone except for the ones who accepted Him. There are three definitions of "Israel" in the bible. 1. Jacob-Israel 2. Geographical Israel the former Canaan and the "Israel of God" the church which began at the "Last Supper" and the "Upper Room" with not one gentile present. It is clear with America's rich Protestant history America is the place prepared for His persecuted bride to spread the gospel around the world.

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